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The Best Thai Food in Chiang Mai Thailand - Afftour


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we have The Best Thai Food in Chiang Mai Thailand - Nature Tourism and Culinary

start with the famous egg noodles and see Thai immigration will literally stop you at the airport if you haven't tried these noodles so let's do it. I hope you're ready for another fun food adventure in my first Chiang Mai. 

I may have scared you off with buffalo bile eating live prawns and giant water fleas, so today I want to show you some Thai food that is so delicious that you and your dog will want to get on a motorbike and head to Chiang Mai right away. 

Let's get started Thai food In Chiang Mai

it's a restaurant here, I'm going to try to use my normal person's voice a little square off the bat we got my tote bag and some of the sauteing didn't really come, yeah it smells amazing it's obviously been soaked in some kind of curry flavor I like best is He's got a big pot of honey peanut sauce here.

There's nothing better with some good salty satay and some peanut sauce together, we'll definitely get it but we're mainly here for the noodles, let's check out the police sweat noodles we'll be back here in a minute, I'd like to show you a few things first -the first time we ate today was called Khao SOI guy and it was a northern Thai noodle, curry soup with chicken and it came from my own knowledge it didn't come from I didn't read this menu here I hope more restaurants will do this if you look at this, like how delicious this is all of them. 

all menu items just put some deer, all restaurants in Asia can please do this Montegrappa minimap, Oh Khao SOI, the only problem is the famous egg noodles are made with rice flour and egg, so they yellows they look plump warm and lovely, and then all the jeepers see this there's a giant pot full of boiled chicken boiled in coconut milk and there's chili and there's a giant piece of chicken like this, it's going to be topped with some delicious juice and so on more fried noodle toppings, they have both versions of the noodles on a plate, they have the normal version and then the fried version on top for more texture, that's good Duncan came up fine guys. 

it's around 9:00 am now it's a little early people get breakfast it's a very cool restaurant people this is a quiet place so I try to keep calm focused energy so you can still hear my enthusiasm, will you tell me because it's flocking - loud and obnoxious people popcorn come here for breakfast then it's easy to see why this looks like the loveliest breakfast I've ever seen especially when kissed by the sun it's a little slow motion - oh so good, we'll start with the pork stir fry we don't No, I would rather than I find that peanut sauce between liquid and solid, we will just bathe our pork because this is what Pigs want to mix with delicious peanut sauce like this, undeniably creamy sweet and Pinot deep it's so awesome, I'm very light is dainty it's cute I can eat about a thousand nuts it's so good. 

You will definitely want to drink it now, the main event is our chicken with fried noodles on top of this fried noodle alone, our art will be a great snack. Oh, great taste, but just leave it to that to put it all together and mix it together too, so we have lime here, we put red onion and some pickled cabbage in there, we go we will mix it all up and then we have chicken on the side now, the chicken is such a mystery because it's still on the bone. After all, it's super soft it's been boiling a while getting our delicious smooth cock, there's some naked and some naked people fry it a new level of naked put it all together, I mean like will you see it happy. 

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I'm just telling you I didn't mean to swipe, let's try mm, oh now I get it so this is true you have to eat this or immigration will stop you when you try to leave the country, because they need you to experience this delicacy, this is amazing it seems going to be a little heavy the taste is very light orange add some nice orange the chicken is amazingly soft it's already simmering in the chilli paste so yeah there's some spice there, but it's not too spicy you get the real chilli flavor without too much spiciness, and you can add more if you want, but I'm fine I'm pretty good the thing that I like the most about this dish is The texture of this fried noodle is amazing, and they make a show of the first silence, the quiet time here is not even a talk in this restaurant, i don't know what happened that lies where i will finish this meal d then we head to location two it's clear, location 2 all cut right and the thai food adventure continues here, in front of us some amazing grilled chicken on a huge barbecue of proportions i have never seen before when you see this is like all coals this hot, here soon they have like 15 chickens on the grill, you can see they have cut the chicken open so they are kinda flat and easy to bake they put two skewers in there or wood to keep our stuff, here we are have more choice of chicken we have some roast chicken legs Looks like that Hui liver and intestines, look at these intestines, these are like the tastiest looking chicken intestines I've ever seen nice and charred on the outside them like chicken intestine small noodles, we'll order some Chicken some random chicken parts and some guy food papaya salad He goes a guy food some papaya salad throw it all together and eat it, let's do this chicken and the chicken parts are not seasoned but here we have the seasoning for everything.

Our chili sauce This gut looks amazing I don't think I have guts that look this good.

It's like a lovely chewy texture noodle chewy low crunch and then in the end it becomes a little livery almost our chili sauce, it's like cold at first and then there's like a glowing hot glow coming out of it but it's not too spicy that's good gut, you've got rice sticky rice on the side to break down protein, glutinous feast went great with all I have some gut in my teeth beautiful and delicious roast chicken here oh juicy, I'll just bite the juice itself will be good enough not stupid good like season barbecue hot and hot sunscreen frisbee potato salad that's what the chicken brought me here but didn't even need the dressing, but we'll try it with a little sauce - we got a good chunk of chicken breast here yeah cause it's the real test anyone can make dark leg meat it becomes runny but when they br east it is still runny it has been roasted like it is not dry at all and then take all the lovely sweetness of the sauce oh it's game over for your mouth ah it's some good chicken we have papaya salad here it has freshwater fish fermented in it so it smells strong, we got some crab but you don't eat your crab suck it up I don't have the patience for a lot of stuff that cuts little crabs.

I don't.

don't have time to suck little crabs, but that's what you have to do, we're going to dig straight into this body. 

It's like a minefield full of tiny crab chunks that will spoil my contents let's try, hmm huh oh my God, somebody's looking at me now, mmm good stuff thanks amazing chicken fermented fish a bit much for me let it boil a little, that's a little bit on my face even in this place, still doesn't get rid of the fishy taste of fermented water fish it's not for me can I say that I like 99.9% intense fermented fish food, mmm confirmed not for me but it's okay because we have a lot of chicken for me to eat and from here, we'll go to the locations you guessed it, the third location three is clear, the search continues for some of the tastiest food in Chiang Mai good local snacks and refreshing drinks in this area Swathi cop-out cayenne cups by noon she has a cup full of condensed milk and she just puts a little sugar on it and then she gets a filter system This cold, hot, orange-looking tea comes in and then she mixes it all up, and then she puts it in a glass this big.

It's a cool refreshing treat she puts the hot tea right on top of the ice which immediately melts oh they haven't finished they put more evaporated milk. 

Wow all this for just 20 or 25 or 15 I'm not sure how this menu usually works, if I'm not sure how much it costs I'll give them my full wallet and they can take the exact amount we have. lovely orange tea here she puts more evaporated milk on it it will just be a sweet feast what is really cool about this place, even though they do a bit of double handling they have a print shop here they print the stuff you need some printed stuff you need, fast drinks come here let's try oh it's actually really good I'm not a booze guy unless it has alcohol but it's really very sweet super the taste of tea comes through though a little refined it's mostly sugar , let's get more food before we finish the epic lunch adventure of Thai cooking in the North it is influenced by all the surrounding countries but also by the masses of Chinese immigrants who have come here for years and today now, we go nna have a dish its chinese inspired it is chinese curly noodles they have the broth here is simmering copper Swati mmm I don't know how to order this one soup oh yes mine this yes yes okay it worked she goes to get naked here okay I'll follow you around and then she will add chopped garlic seasoning. The texture of the noodles will probably be amazing. 

It's time for a bacon blast, we got fried pork belly sausage some egg holes and she cuts the egg in half with dental floss, that's great, that's a good idea, and then put up the steaming broth here all day and is it a cop, oh there it is, let's try it is the biggest lunch of my life so far I feel like I am ready to explode and die after this, I will go home and sleep for nine hours but it is all worth it to show all of you this great food which I'll make for noodles, but I'll try some of this meat first.

Meat feast here and now, this will soon be feast sausage in my mouth is very tasty and chewy, hmm opal chewy.

There are so many meats to choose from here, here they call them rolled noodles or curly noodles. 

Oh my god fine he didn't see that it was slippery maybe I could put it like this aha so if you do it like that what do you know about the beat system yeah I have curly noodles in my chopsticks and now I can take the other like it's smart, oh, of course, okay yeah we're doing it we're drying some cold noodles let's do it, mmm good texture I know it's pretty good to guess by rolling it yourself up like that, it will chew it good so have some body it's not just messy, I don't like soft noodles, I love nudes that have someone and some composition in them, mmm these noodles are tough even though human they can be really hard to understand, mmm it's not basic broth you know I say spicy salty and just full of pork goodness that would wrap it up for today, if you're going to have three or four lunches in one day I recommend coming to the place this is for lunch number three or four but start with the noodles we added first this morning.

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1 comment for "The Best Thai Food in Chiang Mai Thailand - Afftour"

Pembaca January 12, 2021 at 6:10 AM Delete Comment
Thanks for the information Recommended Culinary and Travel Thai Food Heaven in Chiang Mai Thailand