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5 Success Tips For Coastal Vacations Reps - Afftour


5 Success Tips For Coastal Vacations Reps - Afftour

So you are considering becoming a Coastal Vacations Rep or have just signed up as a rep. Maybe you have already been in Coastal Vacations for a while and have had moderate success. Below are 5 tips that will help you to be successful with Coastal Vacations. Even if you are already successful, you can be even more so by following the tips you have not already implemented. 

5 Success Tips For Coastal Vacations Reps - Nature Tourism and Culinary
5 Success Tips For Coastal Vacations Reps - Nature Tourism and Culinary

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Coastal Vacations Reps

1. Sign up with someone very successful and emulate them.

If you haven't already signed up, do some checking to make sure the person you are considering signing up with is really successful. If that person isn't, ask around about someone who is. You want a mentor who is going to give you the best advice on how to recruit other reps and sell the product.

2. Be prepared to work hard.

This is possibly one of, if not the most important tips of all. So many people fall for the 'we do all the work for you' line and then are disappointed when the money isn't coming. If you really want to be successful, take action and do your own prospecting. People will respect that and you will have more credibility.

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3. Get trained in using the new technologies available to you.

Though you could use the generic website Coastal Vacations offers, it is best to design your own website or have it designed for you with your own domain name. It should be designed to peak interest without giving away too much. Use various types of web pages and advertising to increase the number of prospects you have. Use an autoresponder to streamline your email communications.

4. Generate your own leads.

Purchased leads are too much of a 'grab bag' to really be effective. You don't know if they are really interested in Coastal Vacations or if they just signed up on a generic page somewhere. They are more time-consuming than they are worth. Use a sign-up or 'squeeze' page specific to Coastal Vacations to generate your own leads. This is more likely to provide a high conversion rate because the leads signed up specifically to find out more from you about Coastal Vacations.

5. Use multiple advertising venues.

There are quite a few options here. Pay-per-click search engines, Adwords, blogs, forums, and text ads in newsletters and ezines are just a few advertising methods you can use. And remember to make sure that the link in these ads goes first to your squeeze page to capture the contact details of prospects. 
Though there are many more good tips, these 5 tips provide a good start for you in your Coastal Vacation business. Check with fellow Coastal Vacations reps for many more tips.

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