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8 Most Beautiful Places To Visit Before They Disappear - Afftour


8 Most Beautiful Places To Visit Before They Disappear - Afftour

The 8 Best Places before They Disappear

You may find it a bit drastic to talk about places to visit before they disappear, but the fact is that some very popular travel destinations are at risk. Some of these can be traced back to the problems arising from climate change, such as rising sea levels, while others are due to over-exploitation by tourism, degradation, or industrialization. 
If you want to visit some of these places, do so before it is no longer possible. And remember, it is better if you practice responsible tourism.

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Number 8

8 Most Beautiful Places To Visit Before They Disappear - Nature Tourism and Culinary
Venice - Italy

Venice - Italy

The Italian authorities list measures to keep cruise lines out of Venice. And that's not surprising. The number of visitors who come to this magnificent city every year is 25 million, which has caused a veritable exodus. Today Venice has only a third of the regular population it had a century ago.
But that's not the only reason the Italian city tops the list of places to visit before they disappear. The underground on which Venice was built is so unstable that the houses and palaces that made it an icon are in danger of collapsing. And as if that weren't enough, if the sea level rose by just one meter, the city would be underwater.

Number 7

8 Most Beautiful Places To Visit Before They Disappear - Nature Tourism and Culinary
Maldives - Southeast Asia

Maldives - Southeast Asia

This archipelago of 26 islands is a magnet for travelers looking for luxury and exclusivity. Money can't buy everything, however, and the fact that most islands are only three feet above sea level means they are in constant danger of being flooded by the rising oceans.
The government of the Maldives has already developed plans to evacuate its population and it is estimated that in less than a hundred years the paradisiacal landscapes of these dream islands will disappear and they will no longer be habitable by 2050.

Number 6

8 Most Beautiful Places To Visit Before They Disappear - Nature Tourism and Culinary
Taj Mahal - India

Taj Mahal - India

The marble of India's most famous monument is under great stress. The pollution from the vehicles that drive in Agra is destroying it, and neither are the four million tourists who visit it to help preserve it. In addition, there is a problem with the foundation, which is slowly but surely sliding towards the Yamuna River.
The residents of Agra can no longer visit the mausoleum because the entrance fees have risen. This is one of the measures the Indian government has taken to restrict visits, but even tougher measures are being considered, such as the establishment of perimeter protection, as was done with Stonehenge at the time.

Number 5

8 Most Beautiful Places To Visit Before They Disappear - Nature Tourism and Culinary
The Great Wall of China - China

The Great Wall of China - China

How is it possible that the greatest structure mankind has ever built is on the list of places to visit before it disappears? Very easily. A third of its 2,000 kilometers is in ruins as the bricks for other structures were looted. It is not easy to ensure the safety of a monument that some countries, such as Spain, could cross twice.
On the other hand, the large number of tourists visiting the Great Wall of China also contributes to its deterioration. We recommend that you visit the section built during the Ming Dynasty and do it responsibly.

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Number 4

8 Most Beautiful Places To Visit Before They Disappear - Nature Tourism and Culinary
Dead Sea - Israel

Dead Sea - Israel

The cosmetics industry is primarily responsible for putting the Dead Sea, the place with the most salt in the world, at risk. Both large international companies and small local companies are active in the extraction of their minerals. If you think an industrial activity can't wipe out the Dead Sea, then take a look at the pictures of the Hotel Zone. Facilities that used to be on the coast are now more than a kilometer from the coast.
The scientific community's lifespan to the Dead Sea if mineral extraction is not limited is about 50 years.

Number 3

8 Most Beautiful Places To Visit Before They Disappear - Nature Tourism and Culinary
Madagascar - Africa

Madagascar - Africa

Forest exploitation and fires are the two main factors that explain the disappearance of lemurs. Poaching is also to blame. So observing these friendly animals in their natural habitat on a trip to Madagascar becomes more and more impossible with each passing day.

Number 2

8 Most Beautiful Places To Visit Before They Disappear - Nature Tourism and Culinary
Kilimanjaro - Tanzania

Kilimanjaro - Tanzania

The glaciers on this very high peak are disappearing due to climate change. In 2000 it was learned that the ice no longer accumulates at its summit and that it loses the white coat that covers the dark layer of earth of Kilimanjaro, a mountain of volcanic origin. As a result, its temperature continues to rise.
As a result, the Kilimanjaro glaciers are expected to be gone in about fifteen years.

Number 1

8 Most Beautiful Places To Visit Before They Disappear - Nature Tourism and Culinary
Congo River Basin - Central Africa

Congo River Basin - Central Africa

2040 is the estimated deadline. It is expected that by then we will have lost two-thirds of the Congo Basin ecosystem. The region is home to the second-largest rainforest in the world, which is only surpassed by the equally endangered Amazon. Around 8,000 square kilometers of it disappear every year and threaten the survival of species such as bonobos, okapis, and elephants.

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